Java Map Interface


  • Map is a collection of key value pair.
  • By default, a map has 16 buckets
  • After threshold value default of which is 12, the size of map automatically increases
  • Using hash function We can get the corresponding bucket hash where the data is to be stored.
  • If we add null key, then data will go in the first bucket.
  • In Java 8 hash map replaces linked list with a binary tree When the number of elements in a bucket, reach certain threshold.
    • While converting the list to binary tree, hash code is used as a branching variable. If there are two different hash codes In the same bucket, one is considered bigger and goes to left of tree and Other goes to right of tree.
  • Maps use an array of buckets.
  • Each bucket has a linked list or binary tree.
  • There are four classes which implement map interface
    • Hash map
    • Linked hash map
    • Hash table
    • Tree HashMap 
  • Entry is the interface inside map Which refers to each of the entries in map
    • Entryset method in map Interface gives a set of entries.
Types of Maps
  • Concurrent hash map
    • Introduced in Java 1.5.
    • Thread, safe, multiple threads are allowed to operate.
    • One thread can lock a bucket or segment at a time.
    • Fast performance
    • Null key and values are not allowed.
    • Locking is done at segment level instead of locking entire object.
    • Iterator is fail safe, If we try to read while changing the structure of object, it does not throw any exception.
    • It is used in multi threaded environment.
    • We will get thread safety without locking the total map object. Just do a bucket level lock.
    • At a time, multiple threads are allowed to operate on map objects safely.
    • Read operation can be performed without lock, but write operation can be performed with bucket level lock.
    • While one thread is reading map objects, the other thread is allowed to modify the map and we won’t get concurrent modification exception.
    • Iterator of concurrent hash map is fail safe And won’t raise Concurrent modification exception.
  • Hash map
    • Hash map is not thread safe.
    • Multiple threads can operate simultaneously.
    • Contains one null key and multiple null values.
    • Hash map is used in single thread environment.
    • Hash map was introduced in 1.2 version
    • It is not thread safe and unsynchronised.
    • It is fast.
    • It works with single thread.
    • Insertion order is not maintained
    • Hash map contains 16 buckets by default, that is 0-15
      • Each bucket is a link list of nodes Which contains a key, value, hash And next variable.
    • If key is null, entry is placed in the zero bucket.
    • We calculate the hash key using mod of Number of buckets and ID. Based on which we assign the value to a hash bucket.
    • If there is collision that is hash key of two entries Is same, we add the new entry as next node To current node In hash key or bucket.
    • In Java 8 Under certain conditions, link list is converted to balanced tree
      • For example, a bucket contains five nodes And then there is a hashing collision on the linked list of that bucket, then it will turn in Balance tree.
  • Hash table
    • Thread safe Only one thread is allowed at a time.
    • Slow performance
    • Null key and values are not allowed.
    • Iterator is fail first If we modify while it throws concurrent modification exception.
    • We will get thread safety by locking the whole map object.
    • At a time, one thread is allowed to operate on a map object.
    • Every read and write operations required, total map object
    • While one thread is iterating map object, the other threads are not allowed to modify the map. Otherwise, we will get concurrent modification exception.
    • Iterator of hash table is fail fast, and it will raise concurrent modification exception.
    • Null is not allowed for both keys and values.
    • Introduced in Java 1.0 version.
    • Insertion order is not maintained.
  • Synchronised map
    • Thread safe and synchronised I.e. Only one thread can operate at a time.
    • Slow in performance
    • Null key And multiple null values are allowed.
    • We use Collections. SynchroniseMap() to synchronise.
    • We will get thread safety by locking the whole map object.
    • Works with multiple threads but At a time, only one thread is allowed to perform any operation on map object.
    • Every we and wide operation operations required total map object
    • While one thread is it map object, the other threads are not allowed to modify the map. Otherwise, we will get concurrent modification exception.
    • Iterator of synchronised map is fail fast and it will raise concurrent modification exception.
    • Null is allowed for both keys and values
    • Introduced in Java 1.2 version
  • Linked hash map
    • Insertion order is fixed and maintained.
  • Tree Hash map
    • Elements are pre sorted.

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