Web Services
- Web service is a software system that provides a programmatic interface over HTTP.
- In case of an XML it can also be called as an application to application interaction over TCP.
- There are different ways of implementing a web service
- SOAP Protocol
- XML data is placed inside a SOAP message and is transported using HTTP
- Also called as SOAP based web services.
- Place data in XML documents and transfer them directly using HTTP.This approach is commonly referred to as REST based web services.
- REST stands for Representational State Transfer.
HTTP Request Header
- The header is comprised of a request line followed by 1 or more header lines.
- The content length which is the number of bytes in the body of a request message.
- "Content-length: " + docBytes.length + "\r\n"
- Content Type
- Specifies the MIME type of the object being transported in the body of request message.
- "Content-type: text/xml\r\n"
- Host header that indicates the host name we are sending message to.
- Host: localhost\r\n
- We send a connection header indicating that the underlying TCP connection will be closed by the client after the server returns a response.
- "Connection: close\r\n"
- The request line is the first line sent
- It starts with an HTTP method, followed by the name of the resource on the server, followed by the version of the HTTP protocol being used.
- "POST /newsfeed/publish HTTP/1.1\r\n"
- We get input stream from socket.
- This provides us with raw bytes being returned to use through the TCP connection represented by the socket.
- We wrap the inputStream in an inputStreamReader
- This converts the input stream of bytes into a stream of characters.
- We wrap the inputStreamReader in a bufferedReader which allows us to read a line at a time.
BufferedReader br = req.getReader();
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
Document requestDocument = null;
requestDocument = builder.build(br);
catch(JDOMException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Extract title and link from request.
Element item = requestDocument.getRootElement();
Element titleElement = item.getChild("title");
String title = titleElement.getText();
Element linkElement = item.getChild("link");
String link = linkElement.getText();
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