Saturday, June 1, 2019


Q What is the difference between Loose Coupling and Tight Coupling?

Ans Java supports 2 types of coupling between classes
  • Loose Coupling
    • Classes are Independent of each other.
    • Class A has only that knowledge that is exposed via its interface
    • For example Let us take a scenario from Library Management System of adding Books to Racks.
      • In the below Class "Book" we have instantiated RackA class and RackB class.
      • RackB class is a replica of RackA class with just change in name so we have not added it here.
      • Now we see that our instance is Type of interface i.e. Rack so only methods and Properties of Rack is visible to Book and nothing else.
        • So any changes made in class RackA or RackB will not be a concern for Book.
      • Using this Interface we can inject any of the implemented classes at runtime and provide service to End User.
      • Also in Rack A we see we have a private variable "Shelf".
        • This is also exposed via "getShelf()" method.
        • Now if we even divide our Shelf into two in future for "RackA".We might have an sections in shelf.
        • In such a case we will only change our "getShelf()" method and will get desired output.We will not be concerned with any of the Books related to that Shelf.
      • The motto of story is the more you expose the more tight coupling you will have which is not good in most of the cases. 
        • This is called as Loose Coupling between the objects.
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     package LooseCoupling;  
      * @author Gaurav Matta  
     public class Book {  
       public static void main(String[] args)  
         System.out.println("In Main");  
         Rack r1=new RackA();  
         Rack r2=new RackB();  
         r1.addBooks("Introduction to Java");  
         r1.addBooks("Android Basics");  
         r1.addBooks("Introduction to J2EE");  
         r1.addBooks("Advanced Java Concepts");  
         System.out.println("Books in Shelf 1");  
         System.out.println("Books in Rack");  
         r2.addBooks("Introduction to Java");  
         r2.addBooks("Android Basics");  
         r2.addBooks("Introduction to J2EE");  
         r2.addBooks("Advanced Java Concepts");  
         System.out.println("Books in Shelf 1");  
         System.out.println("Books in Rack");  
        * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.  
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        * and open the template in the editor.  
       package LooseCoupling;  
        * @author Gaurav Matta  
       public interface Rack {  
         public int shelves=5;  
         void getBooksByShelf(int shelf);  
         void getBooksInRack();  
         void addBooks(String book);  
         void setShelf(int shelf);  
        * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.  
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        * and open the template in the editor.  
       package LooseCoupling;  
       import java.util.ArrayList;  
        * @author Gaurav Matta  
       public class RackA implements Rack {  
         private int shelf;  
         private final ArrayList<String> books[]=new ArrayList[shelves];  
         public int getShelf() {  
           return shelf;  
         public void setShelf(int shelf) {  
           this.shelf = shelf;  
         public void addBooks(String book) {  
             this.books[shelf]=new ArrayList();  
         public void getBooksByShelf(int shelf)  
         public void getBooksInRack()   
           for(ArrayList s:books)  
      • Tight Coupling
        • Tight coupling implies two classes change together.
        • Class A has more than required access to Class B.
        • Any changes in class Rack will  lead to change in Class Book.
          • If we change the way how shelves are divided in sections in future then we will have to change in each type of Book Class.
        • This is not recommended.
            * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.  
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           package TightCoupling;  
           import java.util.ArrayList;  
            * @author Gaurav Matta  
           public class Book {  
             public static void main(String args[])  
               Rack r1=new Rack();  
               Rack r2=new Rack();  
               int shelf=2;  
                 r1.books[shelf]=new ArrayList();  
               r1.books[shelf].add("Introduction to Java");  
               r1.books[shelf].add("Thumbs Up Java");  
                 r2.books[shelf]=new ArrayList();  
               r2.books[shelf].add("Java Needs");  
               r2.books[shelf].add("Java Stream");  

           public class Rack   
             public int shelf;  
             public final ArrayList<String> books[]=new ArrayList[shelves];  
             public void getBooksByShelf(int shelf)  
             public void getBooksInRack()   
               for(ArrayList s:books)  


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